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Game rules

Complete oficial game rules Footballgolf

The official rules of footballgolf are governed by the World Footballgolf Association (Wfga). The idea behind this is to have consistency for rules in footballgolf, so that players all over the World can play with the same laws.

Rule 1. The Game

1-1. General

The game of Footballgolf consists of kicking a ball from a teeing ground (a marked area designated for the first kick of a hole), and once the ball comes to rest, kicking it again. This process is repeated until the ball is in the hole.

1-2. Exerting Influence on Ball

A player must not take any action to influence the position or the movement of a ball except in accordance with the Rules.

1-3. Points Not Covered by Rules

If any point in dispute is not covered by the Rules, the decision should be made by the Committee/Referee.

Rule 2. Kick Play

2-1. General; Winner

A stroke play competition consists of competitors completing each hole of a stipulated round or rounds and, for each round, returning a score card on which there is a gross score for each hole. Each competitor is playing against every other competitor in the competition. The competitor who plays the stipulated round or rounds in the fewest strokes is the winner. If the Committee decided that a play-off of any type wasn't feasible to determine a winner, then matching score-cards is the next-best recommended method of settling a deadlock. How is this accomplished? They could determine the winner on the basis of the best score for the final round. If the tying players have the same score for the last and final round, they check the last nine holes, then the last six holes, then the last three holes and finally the 18th hole.

2-2. Failure to Hole Out

If a competitor fails to hole out at any hole and does not correct his mistake before he makes a stroke on the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the round, before he leaves the green, he is disqualified.

2-3. Refusal to Comply with a Rule

If a competitor refuses to comply with a Rule affecting the rights of another competitor, he is disqualified.

Rule 3. Equipment

3-1. Footwear

The player can choose optional pair of footwear except shoes that may cause damage to the course. Decision should be made by the Committee.

Rule 4. The Ball

4-1. General

The ball must be a football of size 5 with a round shape.

4-2. Ball Unfit for Play

A ball is unfit for play if it is cracked or out of shape. A ball is NOT unfit for play if its surface has a minor scratch or is scraped or its paint is damaged or discoloured. Ball that is unfit for play must be exchanged.

Rule 5. The Player

5-1. Rules

It is the player's responsibility to know the rules.

5-2. Time of Starting and Groups

The player must start at the time established by the Committee. In Kick play, the competitor must remain throughout the round in the group/pairings arranged by the Committee, unless the Committee authorises or ratifies a change.

5-3. Ball

The responsibility for playing the proper ball rests with the player. Each player should put an identification mark on his ball.

5-4. Scoring in Kick Play

  • After each hole the marker should check the score with the competitor and record it. On completion of the round the marker must sign the score card and hand it to the competitor. If more than one marker records the scores, each must sign for the part for which he is responsible.
  • After completion of the round, the competitor should check his score for each hole and settle any doubtful points with the Committee. He must ensure that the marker or markers have signed the score card, sign the score card himself and return it to the Committee as soon as possible.
  • No alteration may be made on a score card after the competitor has returned it to the Committee.
  • The competitor is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on his score card.

Rule 6. Practice

6-1. Before or Between Rounds

On any day of a competition, a player may practise on the competition course before or after a round if the Committee allows it.

6-2. During Round

A player must not make a practice kick during play of a hole.


Two kicks penalty.

Rule 7. Advice

7-1. Advice

  • During a stipulated round, a player can give advice to anyone in the competition playing on the course or ask for advice from anyone in the same group/pairing.
  • A player must not give wrong information to his opponent.

Rule 8. Order of Play

  • The competitor with the lowest score at a hole takes the honour at the next teeing ground.The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a hole, they play from the next teeing ground in the same order as at the previous teeing ground.
  • After the competitors have started play of the hole, the ball farthest from the hole is played first.
  • If the ball is near the hole, the player can, in consultation with the other players, choose to hole out.
  • If a player plays when his opponent should have played, there is no penalty.

Rule 9. Teeing Ground

9-1. Teeing

When a player is kicking a ball into play from the teeing ground, it must be played from within the teeing ground and from the surface of the ground or from a conforming tee in or on the surface of the ground. A player may stand outside the teeing ground to play a ball within it (3 m).

Rule 10. Searching for and Identifying Ball

10-1. Searching for Ball; Seeing Ball

In searching for his ball anywhere on the course, the player may touch or bend long grass, rushes, bushes, whins, heather or the like, but only to the extent necessary to find and identify it, provided that this does not improve the lie of the ball or his line of play. It is not allowed to break anything on the course. There is no penalty for causing the ball to move, but the ball should be replaced.

10-2. Identifying Ball

  • The responsibility for playing the proper ball rests with the player. Each player should put an identification mark on his ball. If a player has reason to believe a ball at rest is his and it is necessary to lift the ball in order to identify it, he may lift the ball, without penalty, in order to do so. Before lifting the ball, the player must announce his intention to his opponents.
  • If the player fails to comply with all or any part of this procedure, or he lifts his ball in order to identify it when not necessary to do so, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.
  • If the lifted ball is the player’s ball, he must replace it. If he fails to do so, he incurs a penalty of two stroke.

Rule 11. Ball Played as It Lies

11-1. General

The ball must be played at rest and as it lies.

11-2. Improving Lie

A player must not improve the position or lie of his ball, his line of play or a reasonable extension of that line beyond the hole, or the area in which he is to drop or place a ball. moving, bending or breaking anything growing or fixed.

11-3. Building Stance

A player is entitled to place his feet firmly in taking his stance for the kick without breaking branches or the like.

Rule 12. Kicking the ball

12-1. Kicking the ball

The ball must be kicked at with the foot.

12-2. Restrictions

The ball, while still in contact with the kicking foot, must continuously accelerate along an imaginary straight line in space throughout the entire movement.

12-3. Assistance

In making a kick, a player must not accept physical assistance.

Rule 13. Substituted Ball; Wrong Ball

13-1. General

A player must finnish the round with the ball played from the first teeing ground, unless the ball is lost or damaged and unfit for play (see Rule 4-2.) it can then be substituted.

13-2. Wrong ball

If a competitor makes a kicks at a wrong ball, he incurs a penalty of two kicks. Strokes made by a competitor with a wrong ball do not count in his score. If the wrong ball belongs to another competitor, its owner must place a ball on the spot from which the wrong ball was first played.

Rule 14. The Green

14-1. Lifting and cleaning the ball

A ball on the putting green may be lifted and, if desired, cleaned. The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted and the ball must be replaced (see Rule 18-1.).

14-2. Ball Overhanging Hole

When any part of the ball overhangs the lip of the hole, the player is allowed enough time to reach the hole without unreasonable delay and an additional ten seconds to determine whether the ball is at rest. If by then the ball has not fallen into the hole, it is deemed to be at rest. If the ball subsequently falls into the hole, the player is deemed to have holed out with his last kick and must add a penalty kick to his score for the hole; otherwise, there is no penalty under this Rule.

14-3. Making a kick while another ball in motion

The player must not make a kick while another ball is in motion after a kick from the putting green, except that if a player does so, there is no penalty if it was his turn to play. (Lifting ball assisting or interfering with play while another ball in motion – see Rule 22)

Rule 15. The Flagstick

15-1. Flagstick Attended, Removed or Held Up

Before making a stroke from anywhere on the course, the player may have the flagstick attended, removed or held up to indicate the position of the hole.

15-2. Unauthorised Attendance

If an competitor without the player’s authority or prior knowledge, attends, removes or holds up the flagstick during the stroke or while the ball is in motion, and the act might influence the movement of the ball, the opponent or fellow-competitor incurs the applicable penalty ( 2).

Rule 16. Ball at Rest Moved

16-1. By Outside Agency

If a ball at rest is moved by an outside agency, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced.

16-2. By Player or Equipment

  • The player incurs a penalty of one kick. If the ball is moved (original place has been altered ) it must be replaced, unless the movement of the ball occurs after the player has begun the kick or the movement of the foot for the kick and the kick is made.
  • Under the Rules there is no penalty if a player accidentally causes his ball to move in the following circumstances:
    • In searching for a ball
    • In lifting a ball under a Rule – Rule 18-1.
    • In removing a loose impediment on the green – Rule 21.

16-3. By Fellow-Competitor or Equipment

If a fellow-competitor or his equipment moves the player’s ball, touches it or causes it to move. Two penal point shall be added. If the ball is moved, it must be replaced.

16-4. By Another Ball

If your ball moves laying ball of the competitor, the competitor shall put it back to the original place and you continue from the place where your ball remained to lie. Without penal points.

Rule 17. Ball in Motion Deflected or Stopped

17-1. By Outside Agency

If a player’s ball in motion is accidentally deflected or stopped by any outside agency, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies.

17-2. By Player or his Equipment

If a player’s ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by himself or his equipment (ball or ballmarkers are not counted as equipment), the player incurs a penalty of one stroke. The ball must be played as it lies.

17-3. By Opponent or Equipment

See Rule 17-1. regarding ball deflected by outside agency.

17-4. By Another Ball

  • Ball At Rest:
    • If a player’s ball in motion after a stroke is deflected or stopped by a ball in play and at rest, the player must play his ball as it lies. there is no penalty.
  • Ball In Motion:
    • If a player’s ball in motion after a stroke is deflected or stopped by another ball in motion after a stroke, the player must play his ball as it lies. There is no penalty.

Rule 18. Lifting, Marking and Placing

18-1. Lifting and Marking

  • A ball to be lifted under the Rules may be lifted by the player or another person authorised by the player. In any such case, the player is responsible for any breach of the Rules.
  • The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under a Rule that requires it to be replaced. If it is not marked, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke and the ball must be replaced.
  • Note: The position of a ball to be lifted should be marked by placing a ball-marker, a coin or other object immediately behind the ball.

18-2. Placing

  • A ball to be placed under the Rules must be placed by the player. It must placed on the spot from which it was lifted. In front of the ball-marker.
  • Ball Fails to Come to Rest on Spot If a ball when placed fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced.

Rule 19. Cleaning Ball

  • A ball on the green may be cleaned when lifted under Rule 14-1.

Rule 20. Ball Assisting or Interfering with Play

20-1. Ball Assisting Play

Except when a ball is in motion, if a player considers that a ball might assist any other player, he may Lift the ball if it is his ball. A ball lifted under this Rule must be marked and replaced (see Rule 18-2.). The ball must NOT be cleaned, unless it lies on the green.

20-2. Ball Interfering with Play

Except when a ball is in motion, if a player considers that another ball might interfere with his play, he may have it lifted and marked. A ball lifted under this Rule must be replaced (see Rule 18-2.).The ball must not be cleaned, unless it lies on the green. In kickplay, a player required to lift his ball may play first rather than lift the ball.

Rule 21. Loose Impediments

The ball lying in an accidental obstacle – fallen tree branch, etc. (not the growing trees, bushes and terrain unevenness) – the player may remove the obstacle. If this action moves the ball it shall be put back in the original position. If the ball ends up in a puddle (after a rain) move the ball to the nearest dry place not closer to the hole. Without penal points.

Rule 22. Obstructions

There is a board showing direction and obstacles at the start of each track. The board also shows the length and the “par” of the track – the number of kicks needed for placing the ball into the hole. The obligatory direction, which the ball has to pass through, is marked with a red arrow. If the ball misses the obligatory obstacle:

  • a) independently standing obstacles: the ball shall be kicked along the same  direction back so it can pass the obstacle in the correct direction of the game;
  • b) doubled obstacles: the ball shall be kicked backed along arbitrary way and shall pass the obstacle in the correct direction of the game.

If the ball misses the obligatory obstacle the player can follow the rule 1 a), 1b) or follow the rule about unplayable ball (Rule 24.).

Unless the track is marked with a red arrow the way to the hole is arbitrary. The poles with flags shall not be taken out of the holes.

Rule 23. Ball lost or Out of bounds

If a ball is lost as a result of not being found or identified as his by the player within five minutes after the search have begun, the player must play a new ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played. If a ball is out of bounds, the player must play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played.

Rule 24. Ball Unplayable

The player can declare the ball as uplayable anywhere on the court. If you decide to do so you are allowed to return the ball  to the place of the last kick, which has to be marked before you leave that place. Penal point shall be added.

Rule 25. Outs

The ball is out if it stops with its whole volume:

  • in another track
  • crosses another track, stops in it's "rough" and the next kick would cross that track again
  • behind the imaginary connection of the red poles
  • behind the delimiting ropes
  • in the hole without going through the obligatory obstacle
  • v případě, že míč protne, nebo se zastaví, "chodníček/ku", či dráhu/ze (nezáleží na tom jestli před vyznačením výkopu, či za ním). Neplatí pro "chodníček následující jamky a dráhu následující jamky! Zde platí pravidlo, že před označením výkopu aut není.
  • ve vzduchu, ať už v křoví, na stromě, ve vzduchu mezi ploty atd.

If the ball is out it shall be put back to the place of the last kick, which has to be marked before you leave that place. Penal point shall be added.

Rule 26. Maximal number of kicks

Maximal number of kicks: The maximal allowed number of kicks is 3 times the par of the track. If the ball is not placed in the hole within the maximal allowed number of kicks the score shall be 4 times the par of the track (eg. the par of the track is 4 your score will be 16).

Rule 27. Cheating

27.-1. Level 1: Yellow card / first evidence of rule violation

  • Written warning from WFGA, (CFGA).
  • Possibility for the player to refute the allegations within 15 days upon notice.
  • Decision of the WFGA, (CFGA) to maintain or not the yellow card.
  • He/she is disqualified from the tournament in which the cheating took place.
  • The yellow card is given for a probation period of 3 seasons.After 3 seasons, the player is free from that yellow card again.

27.-2. Level 2: Red card / second evidence of rule violation

  • Written confirmation from WFGA, (CFGA) of a second evidence of rules violation. 
  • Possibility for the player to refute the allegations within 15 days upon notice.
  • WFGA erases 50 points from WFGA, (CFGA) ranking points.
  • He/she is disqualified from the tournament in which the cheating took place.

27.-3. Level 3: Black card / exclusion from the competition after third rules 

  • Written confirmation from WFGA, (CFGA) of a third evidence of rules violation. 
  • Possibility for the player to refute the allegations within 15 days upon notice.
  • WFGA, (CFGA) bans the incriminated player for 5 seasons of every WFGA, (CFGA) competition and erases all his  WFGA, (CFGA) ranking points.
  • He/she is disqualified from the tournament in which the cheating took place.

Main partners

PepsiCo CZ, s.r.o. John Deere FAČR KOMA Modular s.r.o. Bernard pivovar

Basic information

The history of the FootballGolf in the Czech Republic has begun in fall 2013 when the Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace z.s. - CFGA
was founded and became a member of the World Footballgolf Association

Important links

World Footballgolf Association logo gScore logo

Media partners

Hofo TV Časopis

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