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Home Detail turnaje Rybka Cup 2016

Tournament detail

Rybka Cup 2016

Results Course info
Organiser FotbalPark Rybí s.r.o.
Phone +420 603 276 695

Turnaj  dvojic je určen pro všechny věkové skupiny v kategoriích muži, ženy a děti do 12let.

Děti do 12 let vstup zdarma.

Tournament status Max.player count Number of categories? Number of registered? Number of teams?
Finished, results 100 4 52 0

Main partners

KOMA Modular s.r.o. FAČR Bernard pivovar John Deere PepsiCo CZ, s.r.o.

Basic information

The history of the FootballGolf in the Czech Republic has begun in fall 2013 when the Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace z.s. - CFGA
was founded and became a member of the World Footballgolf Association

Important links

World Footballgolf Association logo gScore logo

Media partners

Hofo TV Časopis

You can find us on social media